
Welcome to my blog. I occasionally put content out here.

Neighborhood Calisthenics

Neighborhood Calisthenics

Monday - Easy run - 6 miles Tuesday - core and tabata bike

Wednesday - Negative split run. Felt like a bag of hot garbage - 15 miles

Thursday - speed work AM, easy run PM  - 11 miles

Friday - rest

Saturday - Negative split - WAYYYY better than Wed. 8:30's out 6:40's back

Sunday - easy trail run and Full Metal Jacked - 10 miles and messed up and tripled the ab work.  My stomach muscles are still sore

Total: 50 miles ran with 9:51 minutes total workout time

A solid week through the hot temps and high humidity.  Except for a junk run on Wednesday I've been feeling excellent in terms of fitness.  For my core/strength workout Sunday I decided to take to the sidewalk/street in front of my house.  I ended up with a few kids that decided to try to do the workout with me.  My daughter (green shirt) and the neighbor boy Tyler (white shirt) hung on the longest before becoming board and deciding to jump on another neighbors trampoline.

Lake Front Cruise

Speed Work Works