Monday - easy, pushing my daughter in the jogger - 4.5 miles
Tuesday - mile repeats.. not my favorite - 7.6 miles
Wednesday - ran twice to get the time in. felt beat the whole time. 16.5 miles
Thursday - negative split run. 8:11 out 7:12's back - 13.6 miles
Friday - rest day
Saturday - nice and easy on the trail. 7 miles
Sunday - Hit the old Green Rock trail with some buddies. Temps reached 90 - 25.5 miles
Total - 74.5 miles and 12.5 hours total training.
Thats a good week for this guy. Good mileage, speed work, heat training in April. Sizzle!
On the racing front, I have Potowatomi 50 next weekend then its up in the air a bit. I was going to hit the Kettle Moraine 100k but I may just try to squeeze into a local 50 and save a few bucks especially with some travel a little later this year.
On a super awesome note, I was supprised by a text from my training partner, John Cash, asking if someone could "pick me up from the airport in Reno on July 20th." I pulled out the decoder ring and that means hes pacing for me at Tahoe Rim Trail 100!!! So in turn today I booked my flight so I can go out and pace him at Big Horn 100 in June. Things are shaping up nicely!